Zero Waste Lifestyle Guide: 15 Easy Ideas To Try Today

Most people don’t know where to start when it comes to living a zero waste lifestyle.

It can be overwhelming to try to go zero waste when there’s a seemingly endless amount of zero waste products and tactics to try. There are so many different ways to approach this challenge, and it’s hard to know how to get started.

The good news is that zero waste is not only possible, but it’s easier than you think. In this article we’ll explain the basics of living waste free and show you the easiest ways to start living a zero waste lifestyle today.

What Is A Zero Waste Lifestyle?

A zero waste lifestyle is one in which you produce as little waste as possible. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the simplest tactic is to try to reduce your waste production by making small changes to your everyday habits.

Zero waste living is becoming increasingly popular as people become more and more aware of the negative environmental impact of conventional waste production. By reducing your waste output, you can help make a positive impact on the planet.

One of the best ways to start living a zero waste lifestyle is by making small swaps in your everyday life. These swaps will help you to reduce the amount of waste that you produce, and they’re easy to do too. We share a list of 15 easy zero waste swaps at the end of this article.

Why Should You Try Zero Waste Living?

What if I told you that it was possible to save money and time by going zero waste? It’s true! Reducing your waste goes hand in hand with reducing your consumption. That means fewer trips to the store and less time spent browsing online catalogs.

Of course, the main benefit of going zero waste is being more environmentally friendly. By reducing your waste, you’re doing your part to help conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the production, transportation, and disposal of products and the waste they eventually become.

In addition to the environmental and financial benefits, there are also health benefits to be gained from living a zero waste lifestyle. When you reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals contained in a lot of plastics, you’re doing your body a favor.

Mental benefits abound when you adopt a zero waste life. You’ll be more mindful and probably feel more satisfied and content. Going zero waste can help you have gratitude for everything you do have instead of wishing for things you don’t have.

The 5 Principles of Zero Waste Living

Joining the zero waste movement sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be difficult! There are five easy ways to create less waste.

You’ve probably heard of the core three “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” but pay attention to the new principles of zero waste living too!

1. Refuse

The first way to reduce your waste production is to refuse what you don’t need. This can be done by saying no to straws, refusing plastic bags at the store, and declining extra napkins and plastic utensils at restaurants.

In particular, be sure to refuse single-use items that you know will be thrown away after you’re done with them.

You can switch all your bills to go paperless and unsubscribe from marketing mailers. You don’t need catalogs, flyers, and other junk mail filling up your mailbox and taking up space in the landfill.

Also, when you go to an event and they’re handing out free stuff, say no thanks. Do you really ever use the “souvenier” glass or pen or bobblehead or is it just cluttering up your home before it makes its way to the landfill?

If there’s something you don’t need, refuse it!

2. Reduce

It’s also important to reduce the amount of stuff you buy in the first place. The less you shop, the less waste you’ll create.

Additionally, it’s easy to reduce the amount of packaging that needs to be thrown out each time you come home from the store. This can be done by buying in bulk, choosing products with minimal packaging, and bringing your own reusable bags to the store.

You can also make your own household cleaners, beauty products, and food staples rather than buying them in disposable containers. Purchasing items that were produced locally also helps to reduce waste, as it cuts down on the need to ship items long distances. This also supports your local economy and is an important way zero waste can have a positive impact on your community.

Save energy by reducing your use of electronics and appliances. Unplug things you’re not using, turn off the light when you leave a room, and set your thermostat a little higher in the summer and lower in the winter. By conserving resources and reducing your energy and water consumption, you’ll also be saving money.

3. Reuse

You can also reduce your waste by reusing what you already have. This can be done by using a reusable shopping bag, packing your lunch in a reusable container, and using old clothes and towels for cleaning.

Swapping out disposable products for reusable ones is a simple way to reduce your waste. Reusable straws, water bottles, menstrual products, and cloth napkins are all great options that can help you cut down on the amount of waste you produce each year. Check out the list below for other great ideas on reusable products that can help you go zero waste.

There are many ways to reuse items rather than tossing them in the trash. Simply think about how you can use something more than once before disposing of it. For example, repairing a torn shirt is a great way to give it new life!

Additionally, there are plenty of ways to reuse someone else’s old stuff instead of buying something new. Thrift stores, garage sales, and online marketplaces are all great places to find used items that will help you reduce your waste.

Participating in sharing culture is super eco friendly and is an easy way to practice zero waste in your community. You can borrow books from the library instead of buying new ones, rent a tool you only need once in a while, or even share a car or carpool instead of owning your own vehicle.

4. Recycle

Try to recycle things you can’t refuse, reduce, or reuse. It’s also important to make sure that the packaging from the products you do buy is recyclable. You can usually recycle bottles, cans, cardboard, and paper products.

In some places, you can also recycle electronic waste, such as old computers, phones, tablets, and batteries. Be sure to research your locality’s recycling rules and regulations to make sure you’re recycling everything you can. Not all materials can be recycled in every location, so it’s important to know what goes where.

Items that are still in good enough condition to be used shouldn’t be thrown away or recycled. Instead, donate them to your local charity shop so someone else can reuse them!

Some items that can’t be recycled through traditional channels can be composted instead. Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. If your locality doesn’t have a composting program, you can start your own compost pile at home!

5. Rot

That brings us to the fifth and final way to reduce your waste, which is to “rot” or compost it. This means composting your food scraps and garden waste so they can be turned into nutrient-rich soil. You can compost food scraps, coffee grounds, yard waste, and other organic materials.

When these materials break down in a landfill, they release methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Methane is a particularly harmful gas that contributes to climate change.

Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of waste you produce and helps to mitigate climate change. Plus you’ll get free fertilizer for your garden. You can start composting at home by collecting food scraps and yard waste in a bin until it’s ready to be added to your garden.

Also take a step back up the ladder of zero waste principles and first make sure you are reducing your food waste as much as possible. By planning your meals ahead of time, you’ll use what’s in your fridge instead of forgetting and letting things go bad. You can also freeze your vegetable scraps to make veggie stock for soup before composting them!

Easy Wins to Start Living Waste Free Today

Now that you know the basics of reducing your waste, it’s time to put them into practice! Here are 15 easy swaps you can make today to start living a zero waste lifestyle.

Zero Waste Swaps For Your Kitchen

1. Avoid plastic wrap

Avoid using plastic wrap to cover food whenever possible. There are many alternative ways to store food without using plastic wrap, including silicone wraps, beeswax wraps, and glass mason jars.

2. Use reusable napkins

Reusable cloth napkins are a great way to reduce the amount of paper waste that you produce. Instead of using paper napkins or paper towels to clean up spills, simply grab a cloth napkin instead.

3. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods often come in packaging that can’t be recycled or composted. So, try to avoid these foods whenever possible and opt for whole, unprocessed foods instead. If you want a treat, try to find something that comes in recyclable packaging.

4. Compost food scraps

One of the best ways to reduce your waste production is by composting your food scraps. This will help to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden or plants.

5. Try loose leaf tea

Tea bags often come in small, non-recyclable packets. Try switching to loose leaf tea and a reusable strainer instead.

Bathroom Swaps For A Zero Waste Home

6. Make your own beauty products

One way to avoid using waste-producing products is to make your own products at home. This includes things like toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant.

7. Use a menstrual cup

If you use pads or tampons, switch to a menstrual cup to reduce the amount of waste that you produce each month. Menstrual cups are made from silicone and can be reused for years.

8. Shower with bar soap

Another way to reduce your waste production when showering is to use bar soap instead of liquid soap and shampoos that come in plastic packaging. This is an easy tactic for reducing waste, and it also makes it easier to travel because your soaps are solid!

9. Ditch the plastic toothbrush

Ditch the plastic toothbrush and switch to a bamboo toothbrush. Bamboo toothbrushes are compostable and biodegradable, so you can feel good knowing that your toothbrush won’t end up in a landfill.

10. Switch to a safety razor

Another way to reduce waste when shaving is to switch to a safety razor. Safety razors aren’t made from plastic, and they can be used for years. Just be sure to take care of it properly so that it lasts!

Reduce Your Waste When Out & About

11. Shop with reusable bags

This is one of the simplest ways to reduce your waste production. Whenever you go shopping, bring your own shopping bags instead of using disposable plastic bags. You can also get reusable produce bags or simply buy loose fruits and veggies to eliminate waste from your shopping routine.

12. Say no to plastic water bottles

Stop buying bottled water and start bringing your own water bottle with you wherever you go. This is a great way to stay hydrated and avoid producing unnecessary waste.

13. Bring your own coffee mug

Another way to reduce disposable waste is by bringing your own coffee mug with you when you go out for coffee. This way, you can avoid using paper or plastic cups.

14. Use a reusable straw

If you like to use straws with your drinks, switch to reusable straws instead of disposable ones. Reusable straws are available in a variety of materials, such as silicone or stainless steel, so you can choose the one that’s best for you.

15. Buy in bulk

When possible, buy your groceries and other household items in bulk. This will help you to reduce the amount of packaging that you produce.

Visit grocery stores in your area to see which stores have bulk bin sections, and plan to do your grocery shopping at those stores instead of ones where most foods come in plastic packaging.


Living a zero waste lifestyle can seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think! Just remember the five Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot.

There are many ways to live a zero waste lifestyle, and these are some of the easiest swaps you can make today. Just remember that every little bit counts, so try to incorporate these tips into your daily routine as you continue you low waste journey.

Incorporating zero waste habits like using reusable items, buying recyclable products, and composting in your home garden can benefit the environment and keep a lot of waste from going into landfills.

It’s okay to take baby steps, because it’s unlikely your ideal zero waste lifestyle will happen overnight. Start with one or two changes and work your way up.

By making small swaps in your everyday life, you can easily reduce the amount of waste that you produce. Before you know it, you’ll be living a zero waste lifestyle!

Zero Waste Lifestyle Guide: 15 Easy Ideas To Try Today

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