Is your payday still a week away? Are you trying to figure out how to make money fast this week? Making more money is always a great idea, but finding the time to fit in a second job? Well, that’s
STOP Budgeting! Do This Instead & You Can Spend Your Money AND Achieve Your Goals
Outside of the personal finance world, the b-word is a dirty word. No, not that word. I mean BUDGET. When someone says you should budget, you probably have visions of eating a bland peanut butter sandwich every day for lunch; having to shamefully
Save Thousands This Year With A Saving Challenge
Have you ever wished you had so much money that you could easily afford to take a last minute vacation to a tropical island when your friend invites you, or to drop an envelope of cash containing the downpayment on your dream
How to Track Progress Towards Your Goals for More Success
Do you set goals, and then get off track or forget about them because life gets busy? Or do you get to December and realize you have no clue if you’ve come close to reaching your goals or resolutions for
Conquer Your Goals: How To Set SMART Goals That Will Help You Get Shit Done
SMART goal setting will totally disrupt the vicious cycle of setting goals and then not achieving them. Have you ever felt like you’ve been working towards a goal FOREVER, but realize that you’re not getting anywhere? Reflect on the past
How to Make a Vision Board That Actually Works
A vision board (also known as a dream board) that actually works is one that you look back on at the end of the year and say “yeah, I’ve done all of that!” Here are actionable steps to turn your
The Secret to Complete Freedom: Financial Independence
What if you never needed to work again, and you could still live the life of your dreams? This is possible through a concept called Financial Independence (also known as FI). When you’re financially independent, you don’t rely on income
There’s no better time than NOW
I don’t think anyone likes commuting to work. The otherwise productive morning time you could be using for a myriad of more pleasurable or useful things (namely sleeping more or sitting down to eat breakfast) is spent sitting in a
What is Lifestyle Design?
Imagine you wake up, without an alarm, to soft sunlight and the sound of waves crashing on the beach. You prepare your favorite cup of fragrant tea and stroll along the sand sipping and feeling the sunshine warm your skin.